Il mercato fotovoltaico è cresciuto in 10 anni con un tasso medio annuo del 40% e oggi vale in termini di fatturato la metà dell’intero mercato delle rinnovabili. Ecco quanto riporta circa la situazione italiana nel 2011 e con l’entrata in vigore nello scorso luglio del Quinto Conto Energia, il PV Status Report 2012 del Joint Research Centre della Commissione Europea di Ispra, pubblicato in questo mese di settembre 2012:
- Italy connected most new PV capacity with 9.1 GW, but this includes about 3.2 GW of PV systems, which were reported under the second “conto energia” and probably already installed, but not yet connected in 2010. In terms of new installations, Italy added a capacity of about 5.9 GW, bringing cumulative installed capacity to 12.8 GW at the end of 2011 [Ges 2012]. At the End of August 2012, the total connected PV capacity has surpassed 14.9 GW [Gse 2012a]. The Quinto Conto Energia (Fifth Energy Bill) was approved by the Italian Council of Ministers on 5 July 2012 [Gaz 2012]. The Bill set the new half yearly reductions of the tariffs, and the annual expenditure ceiling for new installations has been increased from €500 million to €700 million. The 2012 ceiling is € 6.7 billion, but at the end of August already €6.2 to 6.3 billion have been allocated. In addition, a new requirement to register systems larger than 12 kWp was introduced. The new tariffs, valid from 27 August 2012, are between 13 and 21% lower than in the first half of the year and between 6 and 13% more than the reduction foreseen back in 2011.
Le previsioni di mercato per il 2012 riguardanti le installazioni vanno dai 28,4 GW dello scenario conservativo di Bloomberg ai 30-31 GW di Solarbuzz e IMS Research fino ai 35,4 GWdello scenario più ottimistico della stessa Bloomberg.
Intanto, nella prima metà dell’anno in corso si sono installati 13 GW, un record per un primo semestre. Secondo il report sono 4,37 GW in Germania, 1,8 in Italia e 1,7 negli Stati Uniti.